Notas de Prensa

Notas de Prensa

The 16 most exclusive marinas in the south of Spain on stand A44 in Düsseldorf

The marinas in Marinas de Andalucía hold 42% of the berths on the Andalusian coast, with a higher percentage of the ports managed by the Public Administration and Port Authority.

The economic impact generated by these marinas in their surroundings areas involves 357 direct and 7,275 indirect jobs.

Malaga, 26th January, 2015.
The 16 most exclusive marinas in the south of Spain is, for the first time, visiting the Boot Düsseldorf 2015 exhibition, on Stand A44 (Pavilion 13). Marina Isla Canela and El Rompido (Huelva); Puerto Sherry, Alcaidesa and Sotogrande (Cadiz); La Duquesa, Estepona, Banús, Marbella, Cabo Pino, Fuengirola, El Candado (Malaga), Marina del Este (Granada); Almerimar and Aguadulce (Almeria) and Marina Hércules (Ceuta) hold 70% of the berths on the Andalusian coast (8,145 berths). These are all part of the association Marinas de Andalucía, which represents 90% of the marinas in the Andalusian region.

References in management, quality and commitment to the environment of which they are a part, last year, 7 of these marinas were once again awarded the Blue Flags, a distinction granted by the FEE, the Foundation for Environmental Education. Most of them haver certificates such as the SICTED, ISO 9001, 14001 besides awards such as the “Gold Anchor” in the case of Marina Alcaidesa.

Last year, the nautical sports ports of Marinas de Andalucía made an all-out commitment to sustainable tourism, proof of which is their joining the European project for cross-border cooperation, known as Odyssea. This EU project promotes linking up over 70 port towns in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. Specifically, this network comprises Marina Isla Canela, Virgen del Carmen Sports Port and Aguadulce. Tourists visiting these installations find a wide offer in tourism, culture and cuisine, with the help of technological supports such as touchscreens, apps and geodata services.

The economic impact generated by these marinas in their surrounding areas involves 357 direct and 7,275 indirect jobs. The estimated trade figure is around 400 million euros (from port management alone).

The Association of Sports and Tourist Ports of Andalusia “Marinas de Andalucía” accounts for 90% of private Andalusian ports and over 80% of all the port berths under indirect management. The Association is a plenary member of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Sports and Tourist Ports and of the Confederation of Entrepeneurs of Andalusia.



Sports ports in Andalusia
· 55 sports ports
· 11 in State Ports of General Interest
· 25 ports managed by EPPA ((including Puerto América – under agreement with the State)
· 18 ports managed on a concession basis:
15 managed by private bodies
3 managed by town councils
*15 ports belong to Marinas de Andalucía (Marina Hércules is located in Ceuta).

Ranking by provinces according to the number of ports
· Cadiz: 16
· Malaga: 11
· Almeria: 11
· Huelva: 10
· Granada: 2
· Seville: 2

Berths in Andalusia
· 20,272 berths in total
· 5,282 managed by EPPA (26.1%)
· 14,990 managed by concessionaires, either owned by Puertos de Andalucía or by the State (73.94%)
*8145 are owned by Marinas de Andalucía

Ranking of Andalusian provinces according to berths
Cadiz: 7,700
Malaga: 4,620
Huelva: 3,074
Almeria: 4,055
Granada: 420
Seville: 403


Economic impact on privately managed ports
Every €1 generated by the management generates from 2 to 20 euros in the community in which it lies. The multiplying coefficient of 2 and 20 will depend on the activities generated from the port complex to energize the surrounding area. Organizing events increases this coefficient.

Increase in real estate values
From 5 to 20% in the properties in first line
From 75 to 200% if berthing is available

Expenditure per boat
· Passersby (stop-offs in ports)
1.5 to 4 overnight stays per port
€175 average expenditure per boat and day only in port

· Nautical tourism expenditure
From 1,800 to 30,000 euros/boat/year

Generation of jobs and trade figure by the Nautical Industry and Tourism


Direct jobs:
· Port management, 2 to 4 jobs for every 100 berths
· Industrial services, 4 to 25 jobs for every 100 berths
· Trade figure: €1,800/berth

Total jobs (Port Management + Industry + Tourism):
· Average of 12 jobs for every 100 berths
· Trade figure: average of €10,000/berth

Induced jobs:
· Average of 37 jobs for every 100 berths
· Trade figure: average of €36,000/berth

B) SPAIN: macro-economic data

132,930 berths
368 nautical sports ports
7,800 direct jobs
85,800 indirect jobs
Trade figure: 2,340 million euros
0.22% of the GDP (According to ADIN and only for production from boats).

In the ranking per Regional Autonomous Community, Andalusia stands in second place in terms of berths and is on a part with the Balearic Isles in number of ports as the first in the ranking.

Balearic Isles: 55 ports (14.9%) – 22,431 berths (16.9%)
Andalusia: 55 ports (14.9%) – 20,272 berths (15.3%)
Galicia: 53 ports (14.4%) – 12,356 berths (9.3%)
Catalonia: 50 ports (13.6%) – 30,770 berths (23.1%)
Canary Islands: 44 ports (12.0%) - 8.234 berths (6.2%)
Valencia: 42 ports (11.4%) - 19,641 berths 14.8%
Basque Country: 20 ports (5.4%) – 5,664 berths 4.3%
Murcia: 19 ports (5.2%) - 6,521 berths (4.9%)
Asturias: 17 ports (4.6%) - 2,555 berths (1.9%)
Cantabria: 11 ports (3.0%) - 3,693 berths (2.8%)
Melilla: 1 puerto (0.3%) - 493 berths (0.4%)
Ceuta: 1 puerto (0.3%) – 300 berths (0.2%)

Recreational nautical sports figures:
· Catalonia (16%), Galicia (13%), Balearic Isles (13%) and Andalusia (11%) are the main regional communities in nautical titles issued in 2013.

· Two Andalusian provinces have relevant positions in the ranking on the registering market. Cadiz takes up 6.46% of market quota and Malaga, 6.20%.

SOURCE: Annual Report by FEADPT 2013, ADIN 2013 and Empresa Pública de Puertos de Andalucía (EPPA).

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